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Father God, I humble myself before You, asking You to highlight any area of my soul that needs cleansing. I ask You Holy Spirit to move through me from the top of my head to the souls of my feet.

Examine my mind. Are there any thoughts, words or images stuck there that are unhealthy or unholy?

Examine my eyes. Is there anything my eye is drawn to or focused on that is unhealthy or unholy? Have I opened myself to defilement through TV, movies, books, social media, or toxic news?

Examine my ears. Is there any voice I listen to that is not in alignment with Your character and Word? Am I quick to listen and respond to You?

Examine my mouth. Are there any words I have spoken that hurt You, others, or myself? Is there anything I agreed with that is unhealthy or unholy?

Examine my heart. Is there anything or anyone that has first place in my heart besides You? Anything or anyone my heart longs for that is unhealthy or unholy? Am I holding any unforgiveness?

Examine my will. Is there anything or anyone unhealthy or unholy that I have given control over me? Is there anything I do or anywhere I go that is unhealthy or unholy?

Examine my emotions. Is there fear, anxiety, pain, trauma, shame, denial, grief that is keeping my in unhealthy or unholy relationships? What do You want me to know about these emotions in my life? Is there any emotion that dominates or control me?

I ask You to show me any area where I have come into agreement with sin or the enemy. I choose to repent and break agreement with the things You have shown me. I want nothing to do with the kingdom of darkness. Close any doors that were opened to the enemy. Cut me free from any attachment, bondages, unholy soul ties, and lift off any burdens that are not mine to carry. Cleanse me from all defilement whether human or demonic. Restore every part of me into balance and alignment with You-Your mind, Your heart, Your will and Your emotions. Give me Your eyes to see and Your heart to love others the way You do.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Proverbs 15


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